Blood Bank Pro

Blood Bank Pro is a comprehensive software solution to manage the critical processes of blood banks management. The dual interface of the software not only enables the blood bank management to manage the facility efficiently in an audit ready environment but also the associated users of the blood bank as hospitals, blood seekers, donors, researchers etc under a portal umbrella for hand on information sharing.

The solution is fully customizable to meet the need of any blood bank management process and is highly scalable to meet tomorrow’s challenges.



Various Descriptions and FAQs

Voluntary donor registration with declaration

Voluntary donor search

Camp Information display with camp donor registration

Camp organisation request form

Blood and Blood Product search on various parameters

Blood requisition  

Special patients registration

Hospitals registration

Other organizations registration

Login Form for actual donor with details of

Test Reports

Lost donor card reporting

Deferred donor  details


Change profile, address, mobile etc

Blood requisition

Blood Donation history

Message box about new camps and other news 

Camp Volunteer registration

Other required customized information

Donor forum and blogs

Blood Status position Posting

Excess stock posting

Access control of donor through biometric interfaces (Optional)

automatic Stock position updation at defined intervals

Posting deferred donor report and acknowledgements to successful donors


Individual Blood Banks Application Management System

Donor registration


Mass registration

Screening Details

Donor Card Printing

Donation Type


Whole blood

Component Preparation

Testing Requisition printing

Samples—Labs—results—Approval—Reporting— Storage information – Labels for bags

Storage Management

Reserve and regular stock management

Issue Management(FIFO)—Cross Matching – Issue label printing—Individual issue—Bulk Issue—Return management

Stock Expiry alerts and posting to portal

Stock position to portal

Posting deferred donor report automatically and acknowledgements to successful donors

Blood Bags management

Comprehensive bar coded/QR coded/RFID label printing